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How is Remote Operating Vehicles Speeding up Water Tank Inspection Process?

In any city or municipality, water tank inspection is an essential utility operation. For a proper and unhindered supply of water, water tanks should be inspected and cleaned regularly. As per the AWWA recommendation, one should get water inspection services conducted within three to five years.

There was a time when water tank inspection was deemed as a time-taking and cost-intensive process. It required a separate team of divers to climb down the tank and do the inspection. Each individual would look for delamination, rusting, cracks, leaks, and blockage in the pipes.

Technological advancements have made this task quick and straightforward. With Remote Operating Vehicle, one can find out what’s inside a tank without having anyone to go into the container in person.

1. There is no need to cut down the water supply

When conducting an inspection, the tank inspection company shut the water flow first. Once the tank is put out of service, the technician climbs down the bowl check it from inside. Doing so leads to wastage of water. Since cutting down water supply can disrupt residents, it’s required to provide an alternative source of water. But with a Remote Operating Vehicle, the technicians can disinfect the tank without disconnecting the water supply.

2. It prevents water wastage

In a typical water tank inspection, the crew has to dive into the tank and extract the water to remove the waste that has settled down. Extracting and draining the water takes time and resources. This also means wasting water. On the other hand, ROVs can function regardless of the level of water inside the tank.

3. ROVs are cost-effective

Traditional water tank inspection services entail diving into the water tank. There are professionally trained divers who dive into the bowl to inspect the condition of the container. Hiring and training such professionals need time and money. Using an ROV instead can save you time and cost required to hire an entire dive crew. It’s advised to a consult tank inspection firm that has ROVs and other technologically advanced equipment.

4. ROV inspections save time

Traditionally conducting tank inspection is time-consuming. The dive team has to climb down the tank and thoroughly check every inch of it to find leaks and blockage. Through this process, the team can verify only one container in the entire day. On top of it, it typically takes 30 days for the inspection result to come out. Now imagine how much time it would take to cover all the tanks of a city with multiple drain tanks.

Thanks to ROVs, it has streamlined the entire tank inspection process. The machine can complete the inspection within a short time. Moreover, it’s much easier to process the result within a few days.

5. Error-free reporting

Remote Operating Vehicles are operated by the American Welding Society ( AWS), and NACE certified professionals. They are exclusively trained on how to operate the equipment and inspect the tank correctly. This makes sure that each inspection is conducted with the utmost care. These professionals are aware of industry best practices and conduct each examination by the AWWA and OSHA guidelines.